Volunteers from Konza United Way, K-State Credit Union and Manhattan Broadcasting greeted shoppers as they dropped off donations for this year’s Stuff The Bus. The campaign, now in its 14th year, asks for your help to equip in-need kids from USD 383 with the school supplies required for success.

K-State Athletic Director Gene Taylor told KMAN’s Brandon Peoples that student athletes from the men’s and women’s basketball teams, as well as football and baseball players also volunteered their time for the effort.

Konza United Way CEO Tara Claussen says volunteerism was up this year and included local Boy Scouts as well. The community came out and supported the event, with some dropping off bags of donations while others brought in full carloads of supplies. Claussen says she was impressed with the turnout and volume of supplies donated, including backpacks.

If you missed Saturday’s event and still want to donate, you can do that at StuffTheBusMHK.com. Click here to learn more about the USD 383 FIT Closet.

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