The Crisis Center, Inc. celebrated 40 years of Service to the Community Wednesday night.
So far this year, the Crisis Center has served over 2,700 people through face-to-face and hotline services, providing over 4,800 hours of service for victims. Executive Director Kathy Ray says moving forward, they have been talking about re-convening the Flint Hills sexual response team.
The anniversary reception event hosted at College Ave. United Methodist Church featured “silent witnesses” in the back of the room to represent victims who have lost their lives to domestic violence.
During Wednesday’s reception, it was announced that the Crisis Center has overcome pandemic related time delays, which were brought to a screeching halt in 2020. Ray says the Crisis Center has now navigated through the hardships to finalize plans.
Ray says the new shelter will house about 25 percent more guests than the old shelter.
The new shelter is anticipated to be up and running in 2022.
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