The Manhattan City Commission received significant public comment and deliberation at their meeting Tuesday.

One heavily discussed topic was the approval of an ordinance correcting some issues with the current Manhattan Development Code. City Manager Ron Fehr gave background on the main reason it needed to be updated.

      Fehr 1

Commissioners approved the ordinance, but taking action was made more complicated due to a group of 30 to 40 properties built within the last ten years at the Redbud Estates that were improperly assessed. Fehr explains more,

      Fehr 2

Attorney Bill Bahr, representing Redbud, explained that forcing these homes to be reconstructed to fit the code would significantly impact the families residing there.


The commission agreed the issues should be addressed by the city, but decided Rudbud’s immediate proposals would not be the best course of action at this time.

With agreement from the Redbud representatives, the board passed the MDC changes so other construction halted by the code could commence.

The vote was passed 3 to 2; Commissioners Usha Reddi and Linda Morse opposed.

Another item of significant comment was the recent switch to paid parking in the Aggieville district.

Bluestem Bistro representative Nancy Evangelidis shared her thoughts on the issue.


After hearing similar statements from 11 other individuals, The commission agreed it would be beneficial to reconsider the issue. Mayor Mark Hatesohl,



