The Be Able Community Center was mostly business-as-usual on Labor Day. The difference was a Monday BBQ. Executive Director Scott Voos says being available on holidays is important. Voos says, with other businesses and organizations closed today, it’s important to provide the support and fellowship…which often includes food.
Voos says they usually have a BBQ on Fridays, but wanted to honor the occasion with an extra BBQ. He adds that although 15% of their clients are homeless, Be Able is a resource for the entire community. The center helps clients in their search for housing, work, and other resources. But, the building also serves as a place to make connections with others in the community.
Jimmy Wilson of Manhattan says the center and the fellowship are important to him. If not for Be Able, he’s not sure where he would be. Wilson says Be Able helped him file for his social security when he became eligible, and they help him find side jobs. Listen here:
      0904 Wilson 2

Be Able is a non-profit organization, open during daytime hours. They help connect people with resources for a variety of needs, including medical or mental health care. They appreciate monetary, or item donations, and volunteers. Be Able is located in Manhattan at the corner of Yuma and 5th Streets. Their phone number is 785-775-1205. To help or to get help, go to:

