Election Day is nearing and recently KMAN spoke with Barbara Bollier about her campaign.

Bollier currently serves as a member for the Kansas Legislature, but is now running for the vacant US Senate seat caused by the retirement of Sen. Pat Roberts. Bollier says she is running because she believes there needs to be more bipartisanism in Washington. She talks about some of her top priorities.

“I am going to Washington to serve the people of Kansas, so the real question is what is Kansans top priorities. The number one issue I’m hearing from Kansans is the affordability of healthcare, they need access and to be able to pay for it,” says Bollier.

Bollier adds that agriculture will also be a big focus because she knows how important it is to Kansans.

“Lets grow and build. I know one place we struggle right now is trade, it’s been a very hurtful thing. We need good trade relationships so our farmers and ranchers can actually trade and sell their product, not just get aid for it,” she says.

During our discussion with Bollier, she also addressed several hot topics including her thoughts on racial injustice and the police. Bollier says it comes down to being better listeners and taking action to improve our nation’s response to racial injustice.

“We need to ban racial profiling and get people actual training. We need to do things like banning chokeholds, and prevent crime,” says Bollier.

Bollier also says that she believes even more funding for the police is needed.

“We need to invest in those services that surround the police so they can actually do their work; things like mental health funding, substance use disorder treatment centers, and early-childhood education so people are ready to go to school, all those things are ways that we can help our police,” adds Bollier.

Bollier is challenging Rep. Roger Marshall for the open Senate seat. Her full interview can be found in the on demand section at NewsRadioKMAN.com.

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