Registration for the new school year will be starting back up for USD 383 in the coming weeks.
Online registration will begin on Monday July 17th for all Manhattan-Ogden Schools. In-person central registration is on Thursday July 27th from 7 am to 2 pm and on Friday July 28th from 7 am to 1 pm at Manhattan High School.
USD 383 Board of Education Vice President Jayme Morris-Hardeman encouraged parents to sign up online but said if parents need additional information when signing up their kids, they should attend the in-person registration.
Online registration can be done at
USD 383 is also holding its annual Stuff the Bus event on Saturday July 15 at Walmart where participants can purchase school supplies for students who cannot afford them.
Participants will then place the school supplies in a school bus after purchasing them.
Morris-Hardeman said that those who are interested in participating can start buying supplies now and bring them to the main office building on July 21st.
Morris-Hardeman says that the biggest needs are currently larger backpacks for high school students, 3-hole folders without prongs, 3-ring binders that are either 1.5 to 2 inches and black dry erase markers.
The school district will also be hosting an open house at Manhattan High School on August 5th starting at 10 am.
USD 383 Superintendent Eric Reid says that the event will also be used as a job opportunity for those who come and attend to view the various departments they have at USD 383.
Morris-Hardeman says that many of the open positions come with good benefits.