Riley County Public Information Officer Vivienne Leyva presented commissioners Thursday with results of a July public survey, regarding a potential switch to a 4 day, 40 hour work week.
Leyva spoke about the first question on the survey.
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Close to 2,000 respondents took the survey, with greater than half saying the new schedule would make Riley County offices more accessible for them.
Question 2 asked preference for extended hours to conduct business. About 22 percent of digital respondents to the survey said visiting early morning or late evening would be better, with a small amount preferring evenings.
Paper polls were made available at all Riley County customer service locations, in addition to other cities.
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The paper poll had 109 responses, with roughly the same percentage agreeing with the digital poll.
Leyva also shared results of the county employee poll at Thursday’s meeting. Results of Riley County’s employee poll regarding a possible move to a 10 hour, 4 day work week, were shared with commissioners Thursday.
231 employees completed all of the questions on the survey. Among the questions was a two-part question that asked first whether the proposed schedule would be beneficial.
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The second part of the question was an inquiry into job satisfaction. Positive responses were slightly lower, with 51% saying yes.
Another question focused on whether employees would be able to perform their duties in a 10 hour a day, 4-day work week.
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Department heads also submitted results as they apply to their departments. Two said they could not fulfill their required duties in a 4-day work week.
Approximately 57% of respondents said longer hours would benefit the public. 52% said they support the proposal.
Commissioners took no action Thursday on either survey.

