Riley County Jail (RCPD courtesy image)

By Emma Loura/Manhattan Mercury

The Riley County Jail has been close to reaching capacity in recent month.

Jail captain Mark French on Monday told county commissioners the 147-bed correctional facility has an average daily population of about 114 inmates, and sometimes, that number gets up to 120.

“We’re pretty maxed out when it comes to the classification system,” French said.

French said the Challenge Incarceration program, which rehabilitates eligible inmates to prepare them for release, is scheduled to begin July 22.

“We made all the arrangements for how we’re going to make sure we have food for the inmates,” French said.

French said there is enough room to house a maximum of 18 female inmates, but there have been somewhere between 16 to 21 women in the jail for the past several months.

“Nationwide, this is a trend: more females are being incarcerated,” French said. “The reality is, there’s too many limitations for us to be able to house, for any length of time, anything more than 16 or 17.”

French said jail officials have sent female inmates to facilities in Pottawatomie or Dickinson counties when capacity is full as part of a standing arrangement.

“It’s something to keep an eye on,” French said. “I’m not here saying the facility is too small. I think it’s something you should know as we move forward.”

French said the corrections department also is in the process of interviewing for a new mental health case worker and program director. Officials narrowed the candidate list down to 12, and four have moved on in the process.

“I hope we have someone hired on staff within the next 30 to 45 days,” French said.

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