A joint active violence training exercise will take place over three days next week. The RCPD and Emergency personell from the Manhattan Fire Department, Riley County EMS and other emergency service partners will participate.
The training will take place from July 10th to July 12 at the Amanda Arnold Elementary School. Signs will be placed near the training scenario to remind the community there is no danger to the public.
RCPD Lieutenant and Active violence Training Instructor Tim Shuck said, “We train our officers for these situations so if they find themselves in the actual position, it isn’t the first time they’ve experienced it.”
USD 383 Director of Communications and School Safety said, “This training benefits everyone involved and will especially beneift the students of USD 383 if a real-life situation would ever occur.”
RCPD and emergency personel in Manhattan and Riley county extend their gratitude to USD 383 for their assistence in planning, preparation, and hosting of the exercise.