Challenges in corrections are happening across the country.
Locally, it’s prompting the Riley County Police Department to consider exploring a feasibility study to look at facilities, most notably its jail space, which has seen a spike in the average daily population in recent months. Director Brian Peete told Riley County Commissioners Thursday, it’s not uncommon to have 110-115 inmates per day at the jail.
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Peete estimates doing a feasibility study would cost between $20 to $30,000.
The Riley County Jail has 147 beds, consisting of seven pods of holding cells, each classified for different levels of offenders. Moving inmates around can require logistical challenges, since for example the pod housing more violent offenders, requires extra safety parameters. Peete says it’s led to challenges in recent weeks.
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Two inmates died in RCPD custody in April. A KBI spokesperson told KMAN Thursday that investigation remains ongoing.
In other business Thursday, Riley County EMS Director David Adams provided an update to commissioners Thursday on the North County EMS station in Leonardville, which broke ground one month ago.
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The Leonardville City Council on Tuesday passed a resolution allowing for tree removal in a nearby alleyway to allow for better access for construction vehicles. Two invoices totaling over $87,000 have been submitted by the county for payment. The project is anticipated to be completed in late September.
As for the future public safety headquarters building in Manhattan, Adams says design of the EMS portion is completed and has been sent to engineering.
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Archimages will begin work on the design for the new emergency management and Riley County Fire District No. 1 facility slated to begin once EMS has vacated its current space.