During a special meeting Thursday, the Riley County Police Department and their consultant, The Arnold Group, presented the Riley County Law Board with a 2020 salary survey that indicates what pay is required for RCPD employees to reach market level.

RCPD Administration Captain Brad Jager explained how the survey relates to their yearly budget needs.


Arnold Group Vice President Phil Hayes indicated an 8% increase in base salary pay would be required to keep salaries competitive and alongside market values.


Board Member and City Commissioner Wynn Butler said the logic behind this report is solid, but that does not necessarily mean the city can afford such an increase.


Board Chair and City Commissioner John Matta said they would have to find ways to offset costs if this increase is implemented.


Jager said the department will provide a far more detailed report of budget needs during their next board meeting.

Last year, the Law Board approved a $25,000,080 2023 budget for RCPD; an 8.37% increase from the approved 2022 budget that was largely attributed to bringing up RCPD salaries phased in over a 2-year period.

