Kansas State University is continuing to push forward, even during the pandemic.

Richard Myers, Kansas State President, spoke during the Kansas Board of Regents meeting on Wednesday updating the board on how the university has been dealing with COVID. He says that he is proud of everyone involved at Kansas State and their response to the virus.

“Hats off to our students, they are trying their best to do the right thing.  I would echo the band. When you look at a band member today playing trombone, they’ve got a funny looking beak and they’ve got funny stuff on their mouth, but they’ve figured it out. And we had our full band their in the north end zone for the last game and nothing came out of that,” says Myers.

Myers adds that although it has been a difficult year, Kansas State has seen some encouraging numbers.

“We had record retention, like KU, we had record retention this fall; 87.1%, that is a record for us. We also had record 6-year graduation rate. Despite everything else that is going on, there’s some things that are going reasonably well,” he says.

Myers praised the entire university including the athletic department during his update. He mentioned how fast the semester was going.

“We’re past the halfway point, at least of  in person classes at K-State, and at this point we think we can see our way clear to finishing in the same model that we are in,” says Myers.

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