John Matta (courtesy photo)

News Radio KMAN has invited candidates seeking a seat on the Manhattan City Commission and Manhattan-Ogden USD 383 school board to be interviewed ahead of Election Day.

John Matta is a candidate for Manhattan City Commission.

* What motivated you to seek a position/re-election to the Manhattan City Commission?

      Matta Question 1

* If elected, what are some things you’re hoping to accomplish?

      Matta Question 2

* When it comes to the overall city budget or different funding sources, do you see opportunities for efficiencies and if so, where at?

      Matta Question 3

* We’ve seen more paid parking in Manhattan over the past year and likely more to come. Is that a good strategy when it comes to finding revenue sources to upkeep streets, garages, etc.? Should that be explored in other parts of the city?

      Matta Question 4

* Housing has been a hot topic of late. How would you like to see the city make some real progress on bringing more affordable housing to the community?

      Matta Question 5

* How would you define affordable housing given the current state of Manhattan’s local economy?

      Matta Question 6

* How do you feel about the city’s East Gateway Plan and opportunities to grow further east into Pottawatomie County? Is it the right strategy and why?

      Matta Question 7

* When it comes to attracting business to Manhattan, what are some of the biggest hurdles the city needs to overcome to ensure it can compete with other communities of similar size?

      Matta Question 8

* Anything else I haven’t asked you that would be good for voters to know about you?

      Matta Question 9

The post Meet Your Candidates: John Matta for Manhattan City Commission appeared first on News Radio KMAN.

