Manhattan City Commissioners will host a public hearing regarding the 2024 budget and mill levy rate Tuesday evening.
The total budget authority is nearly $225 million, which includes over $35 million in ad-valorem taxes to be levied on residents. The total budget is 20% higher than last year’s budget, driven largely by property valuations, which are up about 10%, with assessed valuation at over $694,000. The mill levy currently sits at 50.470, which is a 1.68 mill decrease from the year prior, and is above the revenue neutral rate of 47.613.
Commissioners will first hold a hearing noting intent to exceed the revenue neutral rate before discussion and a vote on first reading of the budget. Commissioners have shown interest in lowering that mill levy further. A final vote will take place at the Sept. 19 meeting.
Commissioners also will consider a $914,000 real estate purchase for the eventual construction of a new fire station in the Green Valley area.
Commissioners meet at 6 p.m. in City Hall.
Tuesday’s full agenda can be found below. Manhattan City Manager Ron Fehr and Commissioner John Matta will preview Tuesday’s meeting as part of KMAN’s In Focus program at 9:06 a.m. Tuesday on News Radio KMAN.