Manhattan Broadcasting Company and the Manhattan Mercury announced this week they forming a cooperating agreement. Manhattan Mercury Publisher and Editor-in-Chief Ned Seaton spoke about the new agreement.
“The time has come for both of them to help each other do a better job of informing the community and helping businesses reach consumers and the things that both KMAN and the Mercury and the other stations at Manhattan Broadcasting have done for years anyway,” he said.
Seaton says consumers of the Mercury won’t notice any major changes nor will listeners of KMAN and the Manhattan Broadcasting stations.
“For readers and listeners it will largely be the same. It’s just that we help create new ways of telling stories better for both readers and listeners and viewers of our websites,” he said.
The process of this cooperation is starting now and many changes will be continued to be made throughout the coming months. The cooperation will allow more ways for stories to be told as well as additional cooperation between Mercury writers and MBC on-air personalities and reporters.
“There will be content on the KMAN airwaves done in cooperation with Manhattan Mercury journalists and there will be content in the Manhattan Mercury that plays off of content on KMAN. Some businesses will see presentations from our representatives about using both media to promote their businesses,” he said.
Manhattan Broadcasting General Manager Matt Walters says that this provides the listener and the reader greater opportunities to hear more and see more.
“I think this provides greater opportunities for the listener and the reader to hear more, see more on air, in print and digitally speaking. It will allow what we are to cover more things, both hard news and feature type news,” he said.
Manhattan Broadcasting and the Manhattan Mercury are owned by members of the Seaton family with many of the same shareholders.

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