Manhattan city officials have announced funding available to assist income-qualified homeowners.
Through a 2021 Community Development Block Grant, eligible applicants can use federal funding from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), to make necessary critical repairs and accessibility modifications to their homes. It’s open to low and moderate income homeowners that earn less than 80 percent or less than the Area Median Income. For a family of four that would be $61,900.
Since 2010, the city has applied more than $1.8 million to assist over 100 homeowners with housing rehabilitation projects. The program provides funding for comprehensive (whole house) repairs costing between $5,000 to $25,000. Emergency and accessibility repairs are project specific improvements costing between $1,000 and $5,000. Mobile home rehabilitation is similar but has a lifteime limit of $4,000. Grants for minor repairs less than $1,000 are also available.
Additional details about the Housing Rehab Program can be found on the City of Manhattan Website.
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