Kansas State University will not cancel classes on October 13 for 2020 the KSUnite Conference.

In the past, K-State has canceled classes to accommodate students, staff and faculty who might otherwise not be to attend the conference.

However, due to the condensed fall semester and the event being held in a virtual format this year, classes will go on as scheduled.

Many of the speakers will have prerecorded lectures, so viewers will be able to access these at any time.

While the breakout sessions and some of the lectures will be live, they will still be recorded for those who would like to view them at a later time.

KSUnite is scheduled to take place on October 13th from 1 to 4 p.m. and will be preceded by an online Indigenous Peoples Day Conference on October 12.

For a list of events scheduled to take place this year that are associated with K-State’s KSUnite365 initiative, visit k-state.edu.

The post K-State will not cancel classes for the 2020 KSUnite Conference appeared first on News Radio KMAN.

