Photo by Fernanda Martinez/KMAN

RCPD, Manhattan Fire Department and Riley County EMS are taking part in an annual joint active violence training at Amanda Arnold this week, with coordination also provided by USD 383.

Manhattan Fire Department Battalion Chief Mark Whitehair says the drills provide an opportunity for departments to practice working together.

      0711 – AVT 2 (1)

Photo by Fernanda Martinez/KMAN

Riley County emergency responders that participate in the 3-day course get to practice various scenarios with volunteers playing real-life victims.

RCPD Investigations Division Lieutenant Tim Schuck says training looks different every year.

      0711 – AVT 1 (1)

Riley County EMS Assistant Director Josh Gering says this is to ensure that the departments are prepared for different emergency scenarios.

      0711 – AVT 1 (2)

Photo by Fernanda Martinez/KMAN
Caption by Fernanda Martinez/KMAN

Gering says the trainings are tailored to the needs of the community based on last year’s emergency reports.

This year’s training event wraps up Wednesday.