Riley County

Manhattan City Manager Ron Fehr provided updates to the Riley County Commission about a number of improvements to the city.

Road construction is continuing. Fremont from 11th to 12th street is complete and open. The next phase from 12th to Manhattan St will not happen until next year, due to bad soil discovery while widening a water pipe.

Fehr says there will also be a new roundabout on K-State’s Campus.

      0908 Fehr Audio

Fehr also says the Manhattan City Commission approved a permit for an Oktoberfest in the alley of Manhattan Brewing Company. That event is set for September 21. The city also approved a public comsumption area for alcoholic beverages on sidewalks and streets in a specific area. An area downtown will be the first to accomodate Third Thursday events.

Monday’s meeting will have presentations from Emergency Management Director/Fire Chief Russel Stukey with permission request on bids for RCPD #1 , and Deputy County Counselor Shelley Woodard who will update the commision on a number of water and sewage projects.

