A very important day for many school districts is Count Day, or September 20th. Count Day is the day that schools will learn how much funding they will receive based on their number of students and a few other factors.
Cliff Williams, Riley County District Superintendent, tells KMAN that the USD 378 school district was rather impressed with their results from count day this year.
“Overall we are down, again, about 19, but we’re pleased with the number we have. We are trending with the remote learners that they’re coming from home back to school, and we think that’s great and we are excited to get them back. Every school district would love to see their numbers always going up, but sometimes that creates some hardships too and the ability to have enough space for them,” he says.
Cliff mentions that many remote learners are returning to school which will increase their numbers. He says as far as social distancing goes, they are comfortable with their enrollment numbers and the protections they have in place.
“We’ve been fortunate with some of the Sparks funds that we’ve received through our county that we bought dividers in between, creating that extra division, you know, knocking down if there’s any water droplets going back and forth,” says Williams.
The virus has impacted enrollment numbers, but Williams says that it is also part of a smaller community and smaller families in the area. To listen to the full interview with Cliff Williams check out the “In Focus” tab on our website.
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