Riley County is expecting greater numbers for voter turnout and voting by mail this election.
Speaking to the Riley County commission, County Clerk Rich Vargo says he was wrong when he predicted over 10,000 vote by mail applicants.  Instead, that number will be closer to exceeding 12,000 applications, as the county has already received 11,667.  The clerk’s office will keep accepting those applications until Oct 27.
For advanced voting in person, Vargo says they have already had 1,204 people vote since opening on Wednesday, Oct 13. Vargo and the commission were surprised at the high turnout in only four days.
Voter turnout in the 2016 election was 22,198 voters, which Vargo thinks will be exceeded this election.
“There’s always a lot of interest, but it’s always been my contention that if you want to increase voter participation, make it more convenient and voting by mail has done that,” says Vargo.
The county will have expanded hours for in person advanced voting all of this week.

The post Riley County expected to see highest voter participation in the past decade appeared first on News Radio KMAN.

