Riley County has confirmed one new COVID-related death and 57 additional positive Coronavirus cases since it’s last weekly report on Nov. 24.
According to the health department, a 69-year-old unvaccinated male died Thanksgiving Day, after testing positive the day before. It’s the 65th COVID-related death in Riley County since the start of the pandemic.
There were 73 additional recoveries in the past week, with active cases now totaling 100.
Ascension Via Christi is caring for eight COVID-positive patients, including seven patients that are unvaccinated. Four patients are in the hospital’s Intensive Care Unit.
The percent positive rate of new infections remains under 5 percent. To date, no cases of the new Omicron variant have been identified locally.
“Early evidence suggests the Omicron variant poses an increased risk that people who have already had COVID-19 could catch it again,” said Julie Gibbs, Director of the Riley County Health Department.
As for vaccinations, the health department says, according to WebIZ data, 82 children aged 5 to 11 have been fully vaccinated, with 774 having received the first of a two-dose series. In addition, close to 2,000 teenagers and nearly 22,000 adults are fully vaccinated.
The Kansas Department of Health and Environment (KDHE) offers free drive-through testing Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the Manhattan Town Center parking lot on the north side near Leavenworth Street.
The Riley County Health Department continues to offer rapid testing (antigen) for symptomatic individuals.
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