Pottawatomie County Sheriff Shane Jager (KMAN file photo)

The COVID-19 cluster reported at the Pottawatomie County Justice Center includes the department’s top official.

Pottawatomie County Sheriff Shane Jager confirmed to KMAN Friday he too tested positive for COVID-19 recently. Jager says he’s doing well, despite losing his sense of smell. He will come out of isolation Saturday.

The Justice Center cluster was identified Tuesday after the health department confirmed at least five people affiliated with the Justice Center had contracted COVID-19. Upon that announcement, the Justice Center was closed to the public. It remains closed.

Health officials also announced contact tracing interviews linked several staff members who tested positive to a funeral they attended Oct. 10 in Manhattan.

As of Thursday, Pottawatomie County reported 32 active cases and 300 recoveries along with 11 pending test results. There are no known hospitalizations involving county residents.

The post Pottawatomie County Sheriff doing well after testing positive for COVID-19 appeared first on News Radio KMAN.

