Pottawatomie County health officials are now on quarantine after one of its employees were recently exposed to someone with COVID-19.
Health Officer Leslie Campbell informed commissioners Monday about some adjustments that is causing.
“So some of us will be working here as essential workers and some will be working from home. We’re going to be rescheduling all of our events from this week, such as flu vaccine clinics, to later this month or early November because of that,” she said.
The Pottawatomie County Justice Center reopened the second floor and courtrooms Monday. She says many of the first floor operations are limited due to a number of exposures. Campbell says the numbers have ticked up some in the county but says cases are surging further east in nearby Shawnee County and elsewhere.
“Our hospitals are running high at capacity, not all for COVID. Stormont Vail had 90 percent of its beds full last week and so we are getting to a dangerous point in this health crisis because of flu season, colder weather,” she said.
Stormont Vail Hospital had 26 COVID patients receiving care as of Friday. Spokesman Matt Lara tells KMAN the capacity is 215 hospital beds and 73 ICU beds.
Ascension Via Christi in Manhattan was not caring for any positive patients as of Monday.
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