The Manhattan City Commission unanimously approved increases to water utility rates Tuesday.

The rates for water and wastewater will increase 3%, along with a 3% increase and fixed $1.66 surcharge per equivalent unit for stormwater. This surcharge increase will help to pay for the levee project, which should cover around 70% of the costs.  The commercial rate will be set at $8.08, with the residential rate set at $8.08 starting January 1st 2021.

Although the original ordinance did not explicitly state these funds are to be fenced off for the levee, Commissioner Usha Reddi liked the idea of adding that language.

“Responsibility for us is the flooding and it impacts all of our community.  So having a good water system that works for all of us creates less of a burden,” says Reddi.

Reddi was in favor of all of the increases, including the surcharge. She wanted to make sure they have in writing that the surcharge will help with the levy for future commissions.

Commissioner Mark Hatesohl was in favor of the rate increase hoping it will be a one time deal.

“I like the idea of not having to come back in two years to fund the levy expense.  It shares the cost between everyone.  I think it is the fairest way to go about it,” says Hatesohl.

The commission voted unanimously for the increase.  More information on the rates can be found here.

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