Holiday season is right around the corner, and Manhattan has several holiday events coming up.
Karen Hibbard, Director of Manhattan Convention Visitor Bureau, tells KMAN that Sunday, November 8th is the first holiday event of the season.
“Holiday open-house downtown is happening. There are over 15 businesses that are actively participating. We encourage you, it’s supposed to be a nice day again on Sunday, to get a head start on some holiday shopping in our stores that are uniquely Manhattan,” says Hibbard.
The downtown event will be from 1:00 to 5:00 PM and is a great way to shop local. Hibbard also encourages taking part in the Festival of Trees event.
“There are some stores downtown that will have their trees up that you can walk by, get a little bit of that holiday spirit into your mind. That will be an online auction and again, encouraging you to get out and walk about and to view which tree you are dreaming about that could be yours,” she says.
The Festival of Trees will have their tree displays up from November 10 to November 19 and you can vote for your favorite tree at the Manhattan Town Center. An online auction will also take place to buy seasonal decor and displays.
To find out about more events happening in the Manhattan area, check out
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