K-State’s Hale Library recently celebrated bringing back their Concert Series with a new musical composition. “Hale! Hale! Hale!” was composed by Planning and Assessment Librarian, Laurel Littrell. The work is comprised of three movements, each honoring a place in time. Littrell explains:
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She’s referring to the fire at Hale Library on May 22, 2018. K-State’s Faculty Brass Quintet premiered the new work at this year’s first performance of the Hale Library Concert Series. Friends of the K-State Libraries organizes the annual series. Littrell was honored when the organization asked her to create the work.
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The School of Music, Theatre, and Dance will perform the new work during their upcoming faculty showcase series. Littrell says the school’s performances are open to the public, and she also invites the community to visit Hale Library.
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For School of Music, Theatre, and Dance performance locations and dates go to: https://www.k-state.edu/mtd/events/
Click below to see the premiere performance of “Hale! Hale! Hale!”

