According to local health officials, COVID-19 variants are becoming more prevalent in Riley County.

There has so far been 14 total cases from variants of concern, eight of which are the B. variant, also known as the Delta variant.

Riley County has confirmed 32 new positive COVID-19 cases and 14 recoveries since June 9, bringing its total number of active cases to 40.

Ascension Via Christi is caring for three COVID-19 positive patients, one of whom is in the Intensive Care Unit.

The Riley County Health Department will be offering vaccines and testing at the Juneteenth celebration at the Douglass Center Annex Building in Manhattan this weekend.

That will take place this Saturday from 10 a.m to 1 p.m.

The post COVID-19 variants becoming more prevalent in Riley County, according to local officials appeared first on News Radio KMAN.

