Event goers from the 2020 Night to Shine Prom (KMAN file photo)

The Manhattan Parks and Recreation Department is once again planning for the annual Night to Shine Prom.

Night to Shine is a prom put on by the department and University Christian Church for those in the area with special needs. Recreation Assistant Molli Maberry says last year was the first time Parks and Rec put on the event.

“We had 117 participants and over 100 volunteers at that event. It was incredible,” she said.

The Tim Tebow Foundation, which hosts the event at churches across the country, has opted to continue the event this year, in a virtual format. Last year, participants received goody bags including tiaras and crowns. This year, Maberry says they will receive boxes that can either be delivered or picked up prior to the event.

“I’m not sure what to expect honestly, we’ve never done a virtual prom before. It was fun last year and we think it’s going to be just as great this year,” she said.

Participants can register for the event at the University Christian Church’s website.





The post 2nd annual Night to Shine Prom going virtual appeared first on News Radio KMAN.

